Library Reading

  • the holy empire of Istare is the
    • vemir overthrown by semir king priest Beldenius declared war against all
      • order of knights to battle evil
    • 15pc -> slavery allowed of evil
      • slavery then permitted of all heretics
    • king priest dedicated to king kir joelith
    • as the king-priest made his demand
      • istare fell
      • thick red soil rose up in the wake of devistation
      • the gods were silent (no country escapted the devistation)

Bayern Baldirk son of Bjorn

  • Proposes Ben becomes his apprentice
    • Creates a conflict with a man in a black cloak
    • Bayern fails to persuade the black-cloaked mage to become Ben’s tutor, a sort of go between.
    • Counteroffer: Bayern will become an apprentice of “Grimjaw” and take charge of Ben when not in the presence of Grimjaw

Elvish Presley

  • Hosts a performance, leading with the song Stacy’s mom
    • Successfully acquires 13 groupies and 8 silver
  • Stacy has become

Bug Li

  • Morning ritual
  • Threatened the goblins to deter them from attacking us.
    • Insight: the goblins will attack us again.
    • The goblins are scavengers.

Fetch quest

  • The house on the side of the road was attacked. BB and Derick notice that the house’s door was smashed in and there is evidence of a fire. Rowin sees that something was thrown into the house causing the fire. We see a man with a chunk of his neck missing laying prone behind a cot. He’s wearing rose-crested full-plate armor. Darick performs last-rites and prays over the night.
    • Investigation: Nothing of value is found, scraps of food and waste.
    • Nature: The knight was likely killed by a Worg or similar.
    • Survival: We see that someone dragged off away from the home.
    • Survival: we disguise the cart
    • Stealth: We sneak up on a camp to see
      • 3 goblin
      • 2 worg
      • 2 small humans
      • 1 big human on roast


Polanthesus Library is goodly

Quula notes

This evening I caught 3 rabbits. A small family of rabbits I hope helps to pay off my debts to the kindly artificer family. In the morning I was able arose to a clear fresh morning. I spotted some goblins, they appeared to be hunting game to the southwest of my camp, and waited for them to disappear into the forest. As the sun crested the horizon a baby deer wandered into the clearing east by southeast of my camp, I was able to gracefully kill the animal with a single loose of my bow.

A butcher in the market told me to head east from Vulgar for some of the freshest game

I met a lovely human woman who sold me a rough leather-bound book. She seemed to not understand how to bandage a wound, it’s a wonder she’s survived this long. As I was just warming to this human, one of these fated “knights” came to interrupt in a friendly manner. He has invited me to make some money for my debts, moving barrels and crates. Gristorf and another night are there to send us off. Darik (cleric) is fidgety and playing with what appear to be two identical figures.

A short while in, we hear a noise as Sir Rowan begins to help me push the cart. I feel exhausted (x2).

A small while after, we’re ambushed by a Worg and what I believe to be goblins.

The fight was intense, something I would’ve run from if I was alone, I’m thankful for my companions but the fight did end bizarrely. 2 goblins and Gristorf fell asleep spontaneously. Rowan somehow bumbled his spear into the Worg. We tied up the sleeping goblins, Rowan starts torturing them. As we prepare to leave, Gristorf hangs the goblins from a tree. I ensure there is enough slack to be freed after we leave.