Outsiders OUTSIDE our village

In the quaint town of Eldoria, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, our adventurers found themselves in a peculiar situation.

@Me, a small gnome with a backpack almost larger than themselves, stood with an air of curiosity, their blueish-green skin contrasting with the mundane surroundings.

@David, an enigmatic 600-year-old himbo fighter, exuded an unusual charisma. His vacant expression often masked his deep wisdom and strength.

@Tony, the youngest member of the party, was a 6-year-old warforged, their metallic form gleaming in the dappled sunlight.

A Mysterious Invitation

One day, a fluttering parchment slipped beneath their door. The note contained a peculiar invitation: “Please stick around.” Intrigued and somewhat bemused, they couldn’t resist.

Dinner with the Enchanting Travelers

The adventurers arrived at the dinner with the travelers - a colorful group whose enchanting presence was impossible to ignore. Colorful tents and wagons surrounded them, exuding an almost magical aura. Laughter and music filled the air as they mingled with the travelers.

The Bewitched Guards

It became evident that something unusual was afoot. The guards, sent by the cautious Duchess Morwen, attended the dinner too. Their return was peculiar, for they seemed bewitched, speaking highly of the travelers’ kindness and peaceable intentions. Suspicion hung in the air like an unbroken spell.

Duchess Morwen’s Dark Thoughts

From her high tower, Duchess Morwen’s eyes scanned the travelers’ camp. She pondered the enchantment that had gripped her town and the suspicions that gnawed at her. She needed answers.

A Dangerous Assignment

Finally, Duchess Morwen decided to employ our adventurers. She believed they were the kind of people who could uncover the truth. They were tasked with infiltrating the travelers’ camp, discovering the source of their enchantment, and discerning their true motives.

As the sun set on Eldoria, our heroes knew their next steps were crucial. They had to plan their infiltration, be prepared for enchanting challenges, and ultimately, uncover the travelers’ hidden agenda. The fate of the town hung in the balance, and their journey into the realm of enchantment was about to begin.


The night was alive with music and laughter as our band of adventurers, charged with infiltrating the camp, approached the festive scene. They saw twelve men and women dancing and partying with the backdrop of a caravan, seemingly unaware of the danger lurking nearby. They decided to join the festivities and blend in with the crowd, hoping to find an opportunity to sneak inside the caravan later. A difficult task when the party includes a warforge and a peculiar colored gnome, who stood out like sore thumbs among the merry-makers. But they were determined to complete their mission, even if it meant having some fun along the way.

The night was alive with music and laughter as our band of adventurers, charged with infiltrating the camp, approached the festive scene. They saw twelve men and women dancing and partying with the backdrop of a caravan, seemingly unaware of the danger lurking nearby. They decided to join the festivities and blend in with the crowd, hoping to find an opportunity to sneak inside the caravan later. A difficult task when the party includes a warforged and a peculiar-colored gnome, who stood out like sore thumbs among the merry-makers. But they were determined to complete their mission, even if it meant having some fun along the way.

Amidst the revelry, our heroes spotted a figure near a crackling fire, who seemed to be the leader of the group. The camp leader, an imposing figure, stood tall and confident.

@Ryan: We have heard rumors of a cult that has been terrorizing the nearby villages, and we are determined to put an end to their dark deeds.

Camp Leader: Do not be afraid, strangers. We are not your enemies. We are seekers of the truth, looking for the ones who will fulfill the prophecy and save this land from doom.

@Tracy: Save your lies for someone else, you scum. You have been raiding and killing innocent people for your twisted rituals. We are here to stop you, once and for all.

@Tony: Enough talk. The elders have spoken, and they want you gone. Either you leave peacefully, or we will make you leave by force.

@Ryan sensed a faint aura of magic emanating from a cloaked figure in the corner. He approached cautiously, his hand on his holy symbol, ready to smite any evil. As he got closer, he realized the source of the magic was a book bound to the man’s belt. He relaxed slightly but still kept his guard up.

Camp Leader: Come, stay the night. We will leave in peace this evening.

The camp leader smiled warmly and gestured to the tents. He seemed friendly and sincere, but there was something in his eyes that made them uneasy. Were they hiding something? Why did they want the party to stay the night? What did they mean by leaving in peace? Glances were exchanged among the adventurers, all equally cautious.

It was clear to them that they had no choice but to spend the night there. They hoped that by morning, the caravan and the cultists would have gone their separate ways, as they had promised. They did not trust them, but they had no other option.

While the others mingled with the caravan folk, @Tracy stayed on the lookout for any signs of trouble. She didn’t trust these strangers, especially after what they had been through. She watched as @Tracy strummed her lute, singing a melancholic tune that matched her sour expression. She didn’t seem to enjoy the company either, but she played along for the sake of appearances.

Vision by the campfire

Vision by the Campfire: As the camp leader rose from his seat and spat into the fire, an eerie transformation overtook the flames. They flickered and danced with an unnatural darkness, casting an ominous glow across the camp. The air grew still, and an otherworldly presence seemed to descend upon the gathering. In this unsettling atmosphere, a vision began to materialize.

The camp leader, his voice resonating with an accent from a distant and forgotten land, began to narrate a tale in a hypnotic, storyteller’s cadence. The vision unfolded before the eyes of the adventurers:

The Tale of the Nursed Warrior

“In a land far from here, a wounded warrior, a stranger nursed to health by those who found him. His heart ached to return to his homeland, but it lay deep within the territory of his enemies. Yet, his saviors were determined to aid him on his perilous journey. Together, they set out into the treacherous lands, a land infested with demons and danger at every turn. They fought valiantly to protect the injured man, forging a bond of camaraderie and trust.

“But it was no ordinary journey. The demons were relentless, and the path to salvation fraught with peril. At the edge of despair, they managed to reach the warrior’s homeland, their duty fulfilled. The stranger was safely returned to his people, a glimmer of hope rekindled.

“Then, I ask you, my dear guests, to stay as long as you like. You are safe here.”

Stanimmere’s Revelation

As the vision dissipated, the camp leader’s gaze settled on @Stanimmere, who had been listening intently. With a hushed urgency, Stanimmere spoke, “A curse has fallen upon our noble prince. Once just and fair, he has become a tyrant, holding us hostage with his dark rule. Only we, the seekers of truth, can leave this place to seek the party foretold in the vision. They are the ones who can set us free from the grip of our tyrant prince.”

The words hung heavily in the air, and the adventurers were left with a profound sense of purpose and intrigue. The camp leader’s vision had woven a thread of destiny between their own quest and the plight of these enigmatic travelers. They were now faced with a choice: to align themselves with the caravan and its mission or to remain cautious and vigilant, uncertain of the true intentions that lay beneath the surface.

To Barovia

The Journey to Barovia through the Mists

With Stanimmere’s solemn assurance, the adventurers agreed to place their trust in him and his magic. He began to channel his power, and a peculiar, dense mist enveloped the entire party. It was a magic unlike any they had encountered before, and it left them feeling disoriented and vulnerable. Their senses were dulled, and the familiar tingling of arcane or divine magic was absent.

As the mist swirled around them, the adventurers felt a sensation of weightlessness, as though they were being transported through a different plane of existence. There were no points of reference, no landmarks, and no sense of direction. Time seemed to stretch and warp in this ethereal realm, and they were left to rely solely on their instincts.

Repairing Tony’s Forearm Gun

Amidst the disorienting journey through the magical mist, @Colton noticed that @Tony’s forearm gun, a vital piece of his arsenal, was showing signs of wear and damage. Years of battles and hardship had taken their toll, and a panel on the gun had become fused shut due to abuse and wear.

Recognizing the importance of the weapon and the need for it to be in perfect working condition in the unpredictable realm of Barovia, @Colton took it upon himself to mend the damage. He carefully examined the gun, his skilled hands deftly working to pry open the stubbornly fused panel.

With patience and a touch of mechanical finesse, @Colton successfully repaired the damage, restoring the gun to its full functionality. @Tony, the warforged, tested the weapon, and it functioned flawlessly once more.

The moment of shared triumph amidst the mysterious mist served as a reminder of the resourcefulness and camaraderie that defined their adventuring party. With @Tony’s arm gun back in working order, they were better prepared to face the unknown challenges that lay ahead in the cursed land of Barovia.

The Disorienting Arrival

Minutes or hours (it was impossible to tell) passed as they journeyed through this magical mist. The world outside had completely vanished, and they were surrounded by an otherworldly void. It was a disconcerting experience, and a sense of unease settled over the party.

Conversations among them were hushed and contemplative, and they gripped their weapons tightly, ever vigilant for whatever awaited them on the other side. They couldn’t help but wonder if they had made the right decision to place their trust in Stanimmere and this mysterious method of travel.

Gradually, the disorienting journey began to subside. The mist thinned, and the adventurers found themselves standing at the outskirts of Barovia, as though they had crossed a threshold from one realm to another. The once-familiar world had been replaced by the bleak and gloomy landscape of this cursed land.

As the adventurers arrived in Barovia, they were met with an unsettling phenomenon that defied the natural order of seasons. In this cursed land, there were no traditional seasons as they had known them on the Sword Coast. Instead, the land was shrouded in a perpetual mist, an ever-present veil that clung to the landscape.

The sky above Barovia was a permanent tableau of gloom and foreboding. Storm clouds gathered overhead, casting an eternal shadow that blotted out the sun. Even during what should have been the brightest hours of the day, the light remained unnaturally muted and dimmed, as if the very heavens conspired to maintain a perpetual state of twilight.

The mist, at times, partially or completely obscured vision, adding an additional layer of uncertainty and disorientation to their journey. It seemed as though Barovia was locked in a never-ending twilight, a land where the passage of time itself was distorted and strange.

As the adventurers emerged from the magical mist into Barovia, they found themselves in a small encampment that appeared to be a bastion of civilization in this eerie land. The encampment was modest yet well-organized, a stark contrast to the wilderness that surrounded it.

Arrival in the Encampment

As the adventurers emerged from the magical mist into Barovia, they found themselves in a small encampment that appeared to be a bastion of civilization in this eerie land. The encampment was modest yet well-organized, a stark contrast to the wilderness that surrounded it.

Camp Layout

The heart of the encampment consisted of four small tents, neatly arranged in a semi-circle, each bearing the weathered signs of use in this harsh environment. These tents appeared to be the living quarters for the occupants of the encampment.

Dominating the center of the encampment was a larger, more ornate tent that stood apart from the others. It bore signs of mysticism, with intricate symbols and motifs adorning its fabric. This was presumably the tent of Madam Eva, the figure they had been directed to seek guidance from.

Caravans and Fires

Two wagons, part of the caravan that had transported them here, were parked at the edge of the encampment. These wagons held the promise of supplies and provisions that would be vital for their journey in the foreboding wilderness of Barovia.

Throughout the encampment, fires crackled and flickered, casting a warm and inviting glow amidst the perpetual gloom of the land. These fires provided both illumination and comfort, warding off the oppressive darkness that seemed to press in from all sides.

As the adventurers took in their surroundings, they realized that they had arrived in a place that offered a respite from the dangers of Barovia. It was a welcome sight, and they knew that their meeting with Madam Eva held the potential for answers and guidance on their path through this cursed land.

Meeting with Madam Eva

The adventurers entered Madam Eva’s tent, a place that exuded an aura of mysticism and ancient knowledge. Inside, they found the enigmatic figure known as Madam Eva, a woman who seemed intimately connected to the secrets of Barovia.

A Dark Past

Madam Eva’s eyes bore the weight of ages as she spoke to the adventurers. She recounted a chilling tale of events that had unfolded in Barovia over the past year. A powerful mage had come to these lands, attempting to rally the oppressed citizens against the tyrannical rule of Strahd. However, despite the mage’s efforts, multiple parties of adventurers had attempted to challenge Strahd’s reign and had met with failure.

Strahd’s Gruesome Desires

Madam Eva’s voice grew somber as she revealed the depths of Strahd’s cruelty. He had enslaved the citizens of Barovia, not only for their labor but for something far more sinister—their flesh. The true nature of his macabre desires remained shrouded in darkness, but it was clear that Strahd’s tyranny knew no bounds.

Fortune Telling

In the midst of the encampment, with fires flickering and shadows dancing, Madam Eva offered a unique gift to the adventurers—a fortune telling. She explained that she possessed the ability to peer into the future, to glimpse the threads of destiny that intertwined with their fates.

This fortune telling held the promise of guidance and insight, a glimmer of hope in the face of Barovia’s bleak and unforgiving landscape. With the weight of Strahd’s tyranny and the failed attempts of previous adventurers pressing upon them, the party had a choice to make—would they embrace Madam Eva’s offer, hoping to uncover the path that might lead to Strahd’s downfall?

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Looting the Camp

With Madam Eva’s permission, the adventurers began to search the encampment for any usable items that might aid them on their perilous journey through Barovia.

@Tracy’s Tent: @Tracy carefully searched through her assigned tent, hoping to find something of value. After rummaging through her belongings, she uncovered a stash of gems hidden within a small pouch.

@Colton’s Discovery: @Colton, the rogue of the group, chose to search one of the tents. To his delight, he discovered a cache of 12 valuable gems secreted away, adding to their growing wealth.

@Dan’s Findings: @Dan, an industrious member of the party, scoured a tent and stumbled upon a stash of stamped electrum, a valuable form of currency. He also found sacks of flour on one of the wagons, which could prove useful in the days ahead.

@Ryan’s Decision: @Ryan, the paladin, opted not to partake in the looting of the encampment, instead focusing on negotiations and securing resources for the party.

@David’s Discovery: @David, another member of the party, delved into one of the tents and uncovered a precious potion of lightning resistance. This magical item promised to offer protection against the formidable forces that lurked in Barovia.

Negotiating for a Wagon and Horse

With the loot secured and additional resources gathered, @Ryan took it upon himself to negotiate with the inhabitants of the encampment. After some discussion, he successfully secured the use of a wagon and a horse for the party’s journey through the challenging terrain of Barovia.

Spending the Night

With their newfound resources and preparations made, the adventurers made the decision to spend the night at the encampment. The warmth of the campfires and the presence of Madam Eva’s guidance offered a sense of security amidst the eerie and unpredictable land of Barovia.

As they settled in for the night, they knew that the days ahead would bring both challenges and revelations, and they would need to be well-rested and well-prepared for what awaited them in this cursed realm.

A Conversation on Purpose

As daybreak heralded the beginning of a new day in Barovia, the adventurers found themselves on the road, pulling their wagon with a sense of purpose. Amidst the journey, @David turned to @Tony, the warforged, and posed a profound question. He asked why @Tony existed, delving into the essence of his being.

@Tony’s Existence: In response, @Tony revealed a part of his enigmatic nature. He explained that he existed with a singular purpose: to eliminate “meat bags.” However, he harbored reservations about carrying out this purpose due to a sense of impending war. It seemed that there was a deeper layer to @Tony’s character, one that hinted at complexities and moral dilemmas.

With this revelation, the conversation subsided, and the party continued their journey through the bleak and treacherous landscape of Barovia. @Tracy and @Tony flanked you (@David) as you lay on your back atop the horse, a tableau of unity and determination amidst the uncertainty of their quest.

The Journey Continues

As they ventured deeper into the heart of Barovia, the path ahead remained shrouded in mystery. The questions of purpose and destiny lingered, echoing through the minds of the adventurers as they pressed onward into the unknown.

Assembling the Sundial

With nimble grace, you leaped from the horse onto the wagon and set to work on a practical yet ingenious task. As the wagon rumbled along the rugged road of Barovia, you assembled a sundial with precision and care. The sun dial was a marvel of ingenuity, featuring a magnetic component that allowed it to discern both the direction of north and the time of day whenever the elusive sunlight graced the land.

As the sundial took shape under your skilled hands, your fellow adventurers watched in admiration and curiosity. It was a testament to your resourcefulness and your commitment to making the best of their challenging circumstances.

With the sundial now affixed to the wagon, the party had gained a valuable tool for navigating the shadowy and mysterious realm of Barovia. It was a small but significant victory in a land where even the simplest of tasks could become daunting trials.

The Unexpected Discovery

As the party continued their journey through the rugged terrain of Barovia, a stroke of luck or perhaps fate intervened. They stumbled upon an unexpected treasure—a chest filled with clothing that appeared to be worn by the common folk of this land.

Collecting the Attire: Recognizing the value of blending in with the local population, you made the practical decision to select a set of these common clothes and stow them away in your backpack. It was a wise precaution, as the attire would allow you and your companions to appear less conspicuous in a realm where Strahd’s influence held sway.

With the newfound garments safely stored, the adventurers continued their travels, now better prepared to navigate the treacherous land of Barovia with an added layer of disguise and stealth.

Arrival in the Village of Barovia

The party’s journey led them to the Village of Barovia, a place shrouded in mist and mystery. As they approached the settlement, they were met with an eerie sight—the tall, shadowy figures of village dwellers emerging from the thick fog that enshrouded the land. Their movements were slow and somber, and the air was thick with a persistent backdrop of sorrowful sobbing.

A Chilling Sight: The adventurers couldn’t help but notice the ominous signs that greeted them. The buildings of the village were marred by deep claw marks, etched into the walls and structures. These claw marks matched the rumors they had heard of a wolf-like creature that had terrorized the land. It was a chilling confirmation that multiple attacks had occurred in the village, leaving their mark on both the architecture and the spirits of the residents.

The atmosphere in the Village of Barovia was heavy with a sense of despair and foreboding. The party stood at the threshold of a place steeped in darkness and danger, where the legacy of the wolf-man’s terror loomed large.

A Chance Encounter and a Recommendation: As the party made their way through the desolate streets of the Village of Barovia, they encountered a lone merchant. The merchant, with a limited stock of wares, could offer items of value up to 25 gold pieces. In this land of shadows and despair, any opportunity to acquire useful items was a welcome one.

A Helpful Gesture: The merchant, recognizing the adventurers as newcomers to the village, offered a friendly word of advice. With a nod toward a nearby establishment, the Blood on The Vine Tavern, the merchant recommended it as a place to seek refuge and gather information.

Venturing to the Tavern: Thanking the merchant for the guidance, the party decided to follow the recommendation and head to the Blood on The Vine Tavern. It seemed like a promising location where they could rest, gather their thoughts, and perhaps learn more about the mysteries and dangers that loomed in Barovia.

With the merchant’s words echoing in their minds, they made their way through the somber streets toward the tavern, their anticipation mixed with a sense of caution in this unfamiliar and foreboding land.

The Blood on The Vine Tavern

A Tense Atmosphere

As @Tracy and @Tony entered the Blood on The Vine Tavern, the weight of the warforged’s presence caused the old building to creak and groan. The patrons within, a gathering of what seemed like most of the village’s population, turned their attention toward the newcomers.

A Gathering of Fearful Souls: The tavern was packed with hundreds of people, a significant portion of the town’s population. They huddled together in the dimly lit establishment, their faces marked by fear and despair. The pervasive sense of sorrow and foreboding hung heavy in the air.

Meeting Ismark

Amidst the crowd, the party spotted a large human male who stood out from the rest. He was sipping wine, seemingly indifferent to the grim atmosphere that surrounded him. His name was Ismark, and he exuded an air of authority and composure.

@Tony, ever inquisitive, approached Ismark, and the man extended a friendly gesture, offering to buy the warforged some wine. @Tony accepted the offer and joined Ismark at his table. In their conversation, Ismark revealed a chilling acceptance of the harsh realities of life in Barovia, where death was commonplace and the land itself seemed to conspire against its inhabitants.

Ismark’s Grim Revelation

As the conversation continued in the Blood on The Vine Tavern, @Tony posed a crucial question to Ismark, inquiring about the creatures that came at night. Ismark’s response was unsettling, painting a dire picture of the nighttime horrors that plagued the village. He described how a multitude of creatures, including vampire bats, wolves, and wolf-men, would emerge from the thick mist that enveloped Barovia. The party couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread at the looming threat.

Vallaki, a Sanctuary in the Darkness

Ismark went on to share valuable information about Vallaki, a settlement that had thus far managed to remain untouched by the influence of the enigmatic dark prince, Strahd. Located in the heart of the valley, Vallaki was a fortified stronghold, a bastion of hope in a land otherwise consumed by darkness.

The Plight of the Villagers

Ismark also revealed a sobering truth—the villagers of Barovia were too weak or too terrified to undertake the journey to Vallaki, despite the sanctuary it offered. This painted a grim picture of the state of the village and the grip of fear that Strahd held over its inhabitants.

The Absence of Divine Protection

When asked if any deities would protect the village, Ismark’s response was a sweeping gesture that encompassed the bleak surroundings. It was a stark reminder that in a land where darkness reigned, the presence of benevolent deities seemed distant and elusive.

A Lead to the Blacksmith: In a gesture of goodwill, Ismark provided the party with the location of a blacksmith, an invaluable resource in their journey through the cursed land of Barovia.

Coating Weapons for Protection

Recognizing the imminent dangers of Barovia and the creatures that roamed the night, the party decided to take proactive measures to enhance their weaponry. @Dan took on the role of coordinator, overseeing the smithing process to coat their weapons for added protection.

Cost of Coating

The cost for coating a simple weapon or 20 bolts with a protective material was estimated at 5 silver pieces. For martial weapons, the cost was higher, amounting to 20 silver pieces.

Preparation for the Perils Ahead

As the adventurers gathered their resources and coordinated the smithing, they understood the importance of being well-prepared for the challenges that awaited them in this cursed land. The coated weapons would provide an advantage against the supernatural threats that lurked in Barovia’s shadows.

A Night at the Tavern

With the day’s events and preparations behind them, the party returned to the Blood on The Vine Tavern to retire for the evening. @Tony, with his massive metal body, took it upon himself to barricade the door, providing an additional layer of security against the lurking threats of the night.

An Unexpected Attack

As you tinkered with your confounding 12-sided inert object, the tranquility of the night was shattered by a sudden attack. The barmaid, who had appeared to be an ordinary resident of the tavern, revealed her true nature as a wererat. Chaos ensued as your party engaged in a frantic battle to defend themselves.

A Hard-Fought Victory

Despite the surprise attack, your party managed to rally and defeat the wererat menace, emerging victorious as the first rays of the sun heralded a new day. It seemed that the monsters outside had finally retreated with the arrival of daylight, providing a temporary respite from the dangers of the night

The battle in the tavern served as a stark reminder that danger lurked around every corner in Barovia, and vigilance was essential for survival. As the sun rose, you and your companions caught your breath, ready to face the challenges of a new day in this shadowy and treacherous land.